How To Add Meta Description To Blogger ?

So, what you are blogging about on your Blogger blog? Describing this in 150 characters is called Meta Description.

Meta description is also displayed on search engines below your Blog link. Meta descriptions are invisible to visitor on your blog but are crawled by search engines. Meta descriptions play an important part in Search Engine Optimization(SEO) of your Blogger blog.

How To Add Meta Description To Blogger

 The first thing you have to do is going to your Blogger dashboard and from there, go to Settings > Search  preferences > Meta Tags > Description and click on Edit Meta Description.
The screenshot below defines how will it look:


How To Add Meta Description To Individual Post On Blogger

 Its as easy as you can do it in 5 seconds, Just go to Blogger dashboard then go to the post or page you  want to edit and click on the Search Description setting, and there you enter the text and save by clicking  the Done button.

Now you are done adding Meta Description to Blogger.
If you want to know whether you have done it right you may view the source of page or use any online Meta Checker Tools.


  If you are unable to see any of the meta tags on your Blog just try adding below lines of code in head of  your blog.

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

Now your Meta Tags must work properly, If they still don't contact us and we may help you.


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