
Showing posts from March, 2014

Limitations Of Blogger

Blogger is a free blogging platform, and remember every free thing has limitations, and so blogger do. Below i have listed some main limitations of a blogspot blog. Limitations of Blogger Number of blogs  100 blogs per account. Number of labels   5,000 unique labels per blog, 20 unique labels per post. I Think 20 labels are enough and even if you create   a multi niche site 5000 labels are just more then required. Number of pictures  Up to 1GB storage and all the images are stored in Picasa Google+(previously the images were stored in picasa) Number of posts   Unlimited.- There is no limit on posts per blog. Static Pages   20 pages, and i think that is enough if you just want to blog. Authors   100 authors per blog. Size of pages   Individual pages (the main page of a blog and archive pages) are limited to 1MB Size of pictures    Pictures Can be maximum of 1600px(if they are more then 1600px they are scaled) So... Even blogger has many limitations but they

How To Add Google+ Comments To Blogger Blog

Hello Bloggers !!! Today i am going to share with you how can add google+ comments to your beautiful blogger blog. As many of the bloggers are using google+ comments to increase their sites social activity. now you can also add google+ comments to your blog. Why should you add google+ comments Many people already asking why should they add a google+ commenting system to their blogger blog. So we have got some answers to your question. Google+ Comments is an awesome alternative to the default commenting system on Blogger and it lets you bring the following conversations together in one place, right under your blog post ! It includes : Comments made on your blogger post Comments on the blog post you have shared on google+ Shared content on google+ that links to your post How to add Google+ comments - Steps : Step 1:   Click on the google+ tab on your blogger dashboard at right. Step 2: Now on the right side check the box that says - Use Google+ comments on

Top 5 Author Box Plugins For Wordpress

Hello Bloggers !!!! So you want to show who you are, where you live and how to get to you below every post of your awesome site. Then you are at right place i will tell you about some cool WordPress plugins. Now a days many of WordPress blog have author box at end of each post. Now it’s becoming very popular to have author box in WordPress blog. 1. WP Biographia   This plugin allows you to add a customisable biography to posts, to RSS feeds, to pages, to archives and to each post on your blog's landing page as well as via a widget in your sidebar. It integrates out of the box with the information that can be provided in each user's profile and supports custom post types. Display of the Biography Box can be hidden on a global or per user basis for posts, pages and custom post types as well as on a per category basis. 2. Better Author Bio This is another good author box plugin i would recommend,  it don’t require any coding. Its just simple, neat and clean :D. Here are few

What Is A Wordpress Child Theme ?

A child theme is a set of styling rules and/or functions that are used to add functionality or change the look of an existing WordPress theme. Child themes can be modified without altering the original code of your theme, allowing you to make changes as small as changing a couple of colors, or as extensive as completely changing the look and feel of your theme. Many WordPress framework themes, like Genesis, work by using the child theme feature in WordPress. The basic functionality of the theme is contained within the parent theme and child themes can then be used as a way of applying different “skins” to the theme. Why Use A Child Theme Here are a few reasons i have got to let you use child themes : If you modify an existing theme and it is updated, your changes will be lost. With a child theme, you can update the parent theme (which might be important for security or functionality of original theme) and still keep your changes. It can speed up development time (and give you