
Showing posts from January, 2014

Top 5 Free Wordpress Hosting Providers

Are you looking for some free wordpress   hosting ? I Found People searching over the google for free wordpress host,free wordpress hosting without ads (i also did it myself in old days :) ) . so i have ot a list of 5 free wordpress hosting sites. Why Free Hosting ? 1. Its Free ! - Yupp! and this is  the biggest advantage of free wordpress hosting , you have to pay for it $0.00 and you can use that money for blog promotions and for anything else you can imagine. 2. Move Anywhere Anytime - If you buy a premium hosting and host your blog with that company for any specific time (6 months, 1 year) and you start hating their services after few months, you have no choice, but to see your money going in waste. But in case of free hosting you can move anytime anywhere. And Why Not ! 1. Limited Features. 2. No Better Support 3 . Not Trust Worthy So now you want to host your wordpress blog with some free host i have got a list for you. Free Wordpress Hosting Providers 1.  ByetHost

5 Alternatives To Content Delivery Network MaxCDN

A content delivery network system is a collection of internet servers which serves about one third of the most visited websites. The system improves speed of access for download-able data, applications, queries, web objects and media streams, as it increases the access bandwidth and reduces latency. It contains copies of data located at different nodes of the selected servers, providing service from servers which are located geographically close to the user, hence saving access time. Furthermore, this unique method assists in reducing load on web application and improves scalability. There are several types of Content Deliver Networks which includes third party CDN providers too. MaxCDN Alternatives MaxCDN  is one of the most famous CDNs Wordpress Users Are Using Today . But if you don't like MaxCDN or having any problem with it you can always try these alternatives. 1. CoralCDN CoralCDN is a free CDN and the source code is available through GNU GPL. CoralCDN loc

Create Rounded (Circular) Images With CSS3 And HTML

Playing with CSS and HTMl I found how to create circular images using CSS3.It is just awsome thing to make images circular without photoshoping them. You may use them for any purpose or just for fun. So let's do it in real time. 1. The image below is a normal image. 2. Now we will add HTMl and CSS HTML <div class="rounded"></div> CSS .rounded { width: 300px; height: 300px; border-radius: 200px; -webkit-border-radius: 200px; -moz-border-radius: 200px; background: url(http://link-to-your/image.png) no-repeat; } RESULT If you dont want the image as background and want to use image as img tag ypu can add these html and css. HTML <div class="rounded"></div><div class="circular"><img src="http://link-to-your/image.jpg" alt="" /></div> CSS .rounded{ width: 300px; height: 300px; border-radius: 150px; -webkit-border-radius: 150px; -moz-border-radius: 150px; background:

How To NoIndex Wordpress Categories And Tags

In terms of SEO you must let search engines index only quality pages of your blog/website. There may be many tag and category pages in your blog and by default they will all be indexed in search engines. Why should you NoIndex Categories and Tags ? 1.Avoid Post duplications. 2.Only Post Pages and Quality pages will  be indexed. Let's Start The Tutorial 1. sign-in to our wordpress blog . 2. open your 'robots.txt' file. 3. add theses lines to your robots.txt files / User-agent: * Disallow: /category/ Disallow: /tag/ That's it now your tag and category pages will not be indexed in search engines. Warning : You may not see the changes immediately in search engines it may take 2 -4 days.

What Is Blogging And Why Should You Do it

A Blog is an Online NewsPaper where you can publish Images,Videos and share your thoughts as posts. In this section, we’ll take a look at how you can get started blogging. What is Blogging  The world around us is changing frequently, Just take a topic from this changing world and make a blog and start posting about it. Yes, this is blogging !!! By the way you can also create a multi-niche blog with different things at one place. So blogging is to post text,images,videos about a single topic or a group of topics via internet. Why to Blog Share Your Ideas - This is what blogging is for, You can share your ideas,dreams and those cheeky pics on your blog. Build relationships - Are you a brand ? Then you can make your brand image and make stronger bonds with people who are your customers, Provide Customer Support -  If you are a business you can provide free customer support using blogging, Communicate news -  You can communicate with other users on internet and tel